Geshe Murig Nyima Kunkyap Rinpoche was born in 1964 in a small village called Tichu-rong, Dolpo, Nepal which was once a province of Zhang Zhung. The founder of Dolpo Bon Society and Bon Religion Association.The master of Sutra, Tantra and Dogchen of Bon tradition. He is also the head lama of Nepal Bon Religion Association of Nepal and Dolpa Youngdrung Committee (which was founded by him). He became a monk in 1982 in Menri Monastery. In 1993 achieved geshe degree. Rinpoche has been teaching in USA, Mexico, India and Russia since many years.

Geshe Murig Nyima Kunkyap Rinpoche


Geshe Murig Nyima Kunkyap Rinpoche was born in 1964 in a small village called Tichu-rong, Dolpo, Nepal which was once a province of Zhang Zhung. At present he is the founder of Dolpo Bon Society and Nepal Bon Religion Association. He is a master of Sutra, Tantra and Dogchen of Bon tradition. He is also the head lama of Nepal Bon Religion Association of Nepal and Dolpa Youngdrung Committee, which was founded by him.

Rinpoche started learning Tibetan language, literature and measurement of Thanka painting and stupa at the age of eight from his grandfather. From the age of fourteen to seventeen, he learned to make sacramental cakes and performing different ritual offerings. He also received oral instructions on preliminary practice and initiations of few deities from his root lama His Eminence Bar Le Rinpoche. Thereafter he went to go to Menri monastery and became a monk.

Rinpoche arrived at Menri Monastery in 1982 and got ordination vows from His Holiness the Menri Trizin Rinpoche and His Eminence the Yongzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche on the auspicious birth day of The great Bonpo master Nyamed Sherab Gyaltsen. From then till he was thirty one in 1994, he learned major philosophical text such as Prajnaparamita, Madyamika, Abhidharma, Vinaya, Tantra and Dogchen for thirteen years from Bonpo masters like His Eminence Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche and Ven Tsundue Gongphel Rinpoche.

In short, Rinpoche studied, contemplated and practiced all major Bonpo text of Sutra, Tantra and Dogchen. He also constantly engaged in teaching, dialogue and writing of above texts. Besides, he studied general science like Astrology, Astronomy, Poetry, Tibetan language and literature, measurement of Mandala and stupa. In Accordance with Menri lineage, he learned to play ritual instruments, ritual offerings and also got complete instructions and initiations of all outer, inner and secret deities of Bon religion. Rinpoche was awarded the degree of Geshe in 1994 by His Holiness the Menri Trizin Rinpoche and His Eminence the Yongzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche.

In the same year, Rinpoche was appointed as lecturer in Bonpo Department in Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, UP, India. There he worked as head of Bon department from 1999-2001. Rinpoche’s past and present status and activities for the welfare of society include:

Rinpoche has been travelling widely abroad giving teachings on preliminary practices, practice of mantra, ritual offering (for the accomplishment of good fortune), Astrology, Astronomy and Horoscope in USA, Mexico, India and Russia since many years.




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